So the semester at MSU is over and went great! The paper work is in, the first check is in the mail, and the second one will be sent out friday, the bags are getting packed, and I'm getting excited!! I also got to speak about my trip at Ore Creek Community Church yesterday and tell all my friends about the trip! Very excited to finish packing and get going!
If you were at church, here are the prayer requests that I talked about during the service, and if you weren't there, then here are my pre-trip prayer requests.
1. Safe flight there and back (and that all my stuff gets there and back)
- I am leaving on monday, one week from today and i am coming back on August 14th
2. My mom, who is losing her first born child for 11 weeks
3. Support Raising!!!
- I am still raising money to pay off the flight and shipping my stuff, if you are interested in helping me out and you haven't gotten a letter from me, please call me at 248-431-6704
4. Good Internet and Cell connection in the mountains
- My class started today
5. Keeping me open-minded to learn whatever God wants me to learn this summer
6. For the entire Riverview LT team
7. For my boyfriend, who is traveling in the mountains in India right now
- he gets back home on June 9th, and we celebrate 3 months together tomorrow (5-18)
Thanks for your help, you prayers, and your support!
-Go Green-