Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Project Day Number 2

So I have been super busy and up to a lot of stuff lately. Sunday, I went to our first workshop day, which for me is "learning to read the bible" workshop, which is super cool and really interesting. I'm getting some stuff done on my first Graphic Design 2 project so that is exciting. Also, our LT meetings laptop started deciding it was going to crash mid-service, so mine is the new LT computer....which means I am in charge of typing up all the slides for each service, which is actually kinda cool! Today is project day again which means spending time with people from MSU who are here and bonding as a group before we go back to state. Today we went on a nice drive through the mountains, stopped at different scenic spots and took lots of pictures, then hopped into some trash bags and sledded down part of the mountain. It was so cool!! We started a thing last week were we have two people from our project group share their life story and how God has affected them and next week is my turn. I am really working on trying to compile all my thoughts into one solid story, and I have a running list of things that I don't want to forget. Right now, I am waiting on some books to read for the summer to show up.
Last night we had a couple come in as speakers for our LT meetings for the week and it was really interesting. They spent the evening talking about relationships between men and women and how we should treat one another. The woman made some really good points, like the fact that when two people get close, the evil forces in this world (her wording) will try to drive a wedge between people. And if you don't believe that, think about how society keeps trying to convince the world about how "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" News flash: Men and women are both from earth and they were both created in the image of God. Also she made a point that is actually stated in the Bible about how women should have "gentle and quiet SPIRITS, not gentle and quiet MOUTHS" which is a really empowering statement. Tonight the couple is have a Q and A session followed by another talk on Thursday night.
It was really nice having these past two days off work and even better that I got spend some time talking to Sean yesterday because he is now home from India!!!
Thank you all for keeping up with this blog! I am really loving all the support and will be back to update again soon!

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