Thursday, June 17, 2010

Project Day 3

So apparently I only update after project days, weird.
This has been a pretty great week so far. Right now, it's about 15 min. until Friday, so it's kinda late. Tomorrow is four months with Sean, which is super exciting. I don't think I've ever felt this secure in a relationship and it's really great to have such a wonderful guy. <3 Sean <3 back in Colorado. The talks we had this week at our Tuesday and Thursday LT meetings were really great this week. On Tuesday, he ended the talk with "What are you afraid of and why?" which led me to two things.
1) I am afraid of changing. I am afraid of becoming a completely different person by the end of the summer and Sean won't love me anymore and all my friends won't care about me anymore.
2) This is LT. We are learning about things like sharing our faith with people, and frankly, that's really scary and hard and I have no idea how to do that.

So after the Tuesday service, I spent some time talking to one of my LT buddies about my fears and as we were discussing my fears about Sean (among many tears), I get a phone call, which is weird because the cell service in Estes Park SUCKS!! Anyways, I pulled out my phone and it was Sean calling me just to tell me that it was 1am in Ohio and that he just wanted to hear my voice and tell me that he loved me and that he missed me. It was amazing. It felt like God saying "Seriously, you are worried about this? Why? You have nothing to worry about. Oh, you don't believe me? Well here you go!" Which was totally awesome!! The next day (Wednesday) is project day, which meant a day of hanging out with the MSU gang and talking about God and sharing our testimonies/life stories with each other and this week, they decided to do a "how to share the gosple with people" workshop, which was God talking to me again saying "well you asked for it, so here you go"

Thursday(tonight)'s talk ended in making about that God is good and God is strong. God is so good that he will be there through all your fears and struggles and God is strong and will help you with all your problems and fears, which I feel has been proven pretty well this past week.
Now on to face my next obstacle, whatever it may be....and getting some reading done.
-<3 and Go Green-

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