Thursday, June 24, 2010

Project Day 4 aka Project Day Burned!!!

Hey Loyal Followers
So this has been quite a week since I last posted for many crazy reasons.
1) So I ran slides on Tuesday, which as anyone who has worked on a church tech team knows is a very stressful job sometimes. Our first problem was that the girl who had all the slides typed up and ready to go got locked out of her room and none of us knew this until she showed up about 15 min before the service started, but before this, I retyped up all the slides for the songs in an hour and got everything ready to go so that was taken care of....until the middle of the talk when the speaker mentioned something in reference to his slides...which we never we tried to fanagle that to work and it kind of worked, but it was really bad and a huge distracting pain and I felt horrible about it. So after that fiasco, we decided that if we don't have it before the service, then it just ain't happening. Problem solved...hopefully...
2) After the service, I was talking to my buddy Daniel about everything that happened and he talked to sense into me about how stupid I was being for stressing out so much and after a while I felt better.
3) After the long talk with him, a few friends and Daniel and I got together and had a Latin dance party on the admin building porch until 3:30 am, which was totally awesome!!
4) Project Day was a trip to Winter Park at Snow Mountain Ranch (the other half of the YMCA of the Rockies, besides Estes Park Center, which i where I work). It was pretty fun except for the part where all of us got some sunburn and I had a pretty major crash on the Luge track and I think I got sick a little because I woke up this morning with a major stuffy congestion thing and in a lot of pain from the sun burn and road rash, but all better now.
Anyways, I have to go get ready for LT service tonight. Daniel, Kristin and I are having another dance party, this time with good Latin music and dressing up with heels and dresses and stuff so it should be fun. Guess I'll see you next week.

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