Saturday, July 10, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Hey Everyone.
So I haven't been able to update for a while because I've been busy and I haven't really wanted to. Today, I went into work and found out that I had the day off. So I went and had breakfast, back to the dorm to take a shower, did some reading, grabbed some lunch and hiked eagle cliff. I feel really productive today. As for what I've been up to, I realized recently that as much as I love hanging out with Daniel and Kristin, sometimes I get a lot of stuff that I need to work on, and not many....or pretty much no "hey you are doing good in this area" so I've was pretty bummed on myself for a while until I talked to Sean and got a major motivation to keep pushing forward in this whole LT thing.
As far as the past week, my mom came to visit. We rode the zip line, hiked up lumpy ridge and hung out at the craft shop, as well as a couple of shopping trips so that was really fun.
One of the night this past week, the trio (Daniel, Kristin and I) went out to the outdoor chapel and hung out at the giant cross they have back there and had the most epic prayer time ever. It was super amazing. We had a group prayer out there and they each were really into it, and I was waiting for what I should add, something I should say, and all I could hear was "Be still and know that I am God". Just be still, listen to nature, listen to the sounds of the night, listen to the strong prayers of those who I am meant to learn so much from, just be still, be silent and wait. The best part was as soon as we finished, we looked up at the stars and we all swear they multiplied by like 50. It was awesome. The walk back was really creepy, mostly because we were talking about getting attacked by mountain lions the entire walk out there so it was pretty crazy. Nothing much else has been that exciting. Just enjoying my day off and hopefully getting some reading done and talking to some people. Right now, I'm off to put some Eagle Cliff pics on facebook. I totally had what I am calling a "Daniel Moment" on the way up. Just thinking about life and how it compares to a walk up Eagle Cliff.

Some notes I took after getting to the top:
1) Even though I might stray off the main the path, if I keep my eyes focused on the top (God), I will eventually be led back to the path that I should follow.
2) Sometimes the path will be unclear, but as long as I keep pushing toward the ultimate goal, the path will eventually become clear again.
3)God has placed people along the path for you. Some to take the journey with you, and others simply to point you in the right direction.
4) Even if you think you have reached the top, as you look around there are still more mountains to climb, more trials to face, but each one will bring you closer to God.

Also, I was listening to my iPod on random and I pulled out a quote from one song that summarized the whole trip.
"The body is weakened, but the faith is still strong."

Anyways, like I said earlier. Picture time!!!
-Go State-

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