Saturday, July 24, 2010

Down in the river to pray...

So Thursday night after was pretty much epically amazing. The meeting itself wasn't super special or anything, but afterwards, I got invited to join some friends to go out to a campfire hang out they were having in the nation park. So after a crazy drive around Estes Park, we finally got to a camp site and set up. We hung out for a while, I had a good chat with Daniel about some past things that are still bothering me, ate some s'mores, those who were of age partook in the provided beverages, then the best quote of the summer so far was Justin pulling out his guitar and saying "Someone hold my beer, it's time to worship Jesus". So for the next 4 or so hours we sat around a campfire and sang praises to God and prayed a lot. It was so awesome and such an amazing God moment that I can't even describe it. We even spent some time going around the circle and praying over each person there. Daniel said some really amazing things about me and I am so happy to have such an awesome brother in Christ. As a result of this late night adventure, I haven't been able to get "Down in the river to pray" out of my head. Such an amazing song. If you haven't heard it, check out this youtube link.

Also I am going to read Les Mis....the book...cause I went to Walmart today and we got into a long talk about it and now I really want to read it.

-Much Love and Go Green-

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