Saturday, July 3, 2010

More Stuff

Hey Everyone
So I haven't really been in the greatest mood lately. Most of our deep late night talks have been more of a challenge for Kristin and Daniel, but the last two have been pretty interesting for me. It basically got down to me realizing that I have no fire for all. I just don't have the want to pursue God and get to know Him which led me to finally saying "I want to want to know God". Then project day on Wednesday was us prepping for going out and evangelizing in Boulder next week. Thursday, the talk was about confessions and forgiveness and our late night talked turned into me realizing, after Daniel's many prompting questions, that there are people who have wronged me in my life that I just don't want to forgive right now, which turned into a long day at work thinking about all of that. Not to mention Daniel made a creepy face on our walk back to the dorm on Thursday night and freaked me out. I also have a TON of stuff to do, and so little time to do it. On the plus side, my mom got here today so I get to hang out with her for a while which is super cool. And I got earrings from Sean from India today!!! YAY!!! Well time to chill out and get stuff done, and apparently I have been recruited to drive the dorm's resident cripple to the movies tonight.
-Go Green-

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